Mapping on jeans

I've been going through our upcoming updates and I saw something truly awesome.


The always amazing Claudia Macc is about to show up in a new WetandPissy update called So Many Streams, and trust me, the amount of streams that she creates from her sweet pussy in this video is truly impressive.


However what caught my eye was her map creation when she released her first batch of warm pee while still wearing her pants.


Apart from being incredibly sexy it kind of looks a bit like a map, don't you think?


I'm seeing the Indonesian islands south of the Malacca Strait.


Do you see something different? Let me know!


Mar 17, 2018 @ 10:52:56 Vice Fan said:

It does look like a map indeed ! I do not see a special region in it but what I do see here is my favorite type of scenes, where girls wet themselves, whet their jeans, denim shorts, panties, pantyhoses, running pants or yoga pants.. Just love the fabric changing color and the girls getting more wet and wet.. Extremely hot !

Claudia seems to do a great job here so I really cannot wait to see this hot update !!